Sunday, March 12, 2017

Bros Before Hoes!

In this political climate I shy away from saying anything, well, political.  The reason for this is not because I don't have anything political to say, but that my mother always told me that if I don't have something nice to say, then don't say it all.  However, this morning as I was eating lunch it occurred to me that, not only was my meal quite delicious, but also that the political system seemed to have a frat boy mentality.  I know this might come as a surprise to you seeing as how it's not every day when you see a corrupt lawmaker trying to pass some new kind of awful legislation.  This is mostly because they are busy hiding under rocks or rooting around the forest like a hog searching for their spines, but when you do see them it is often about some kind of special interest that they have.

I'm sure you can hear the politician nearest you gasp with horror and rebuke my assertion with a statement like:

"Why no, of course taking all that money from Super Gas Oil and Haircuts had no impact on my decision at all when it came to funding a grant which opened twenty new barbershop gas stations in my small home town of 700 people.  It just so happens that my village is full of Sasquaches who desperately need their hair cut every day."

Like frat boys at a party, these politicians put their own special interests before country, before liberty, and before justice.  Sometimes the politicians are well meaning; they have some kind of religious crusade that they are fighting for, and they feel that everyone should be subject to their particular belief system.  They might sincerely believe that pigeons are holy beings sent here to watch over our cities, and that we should allocate twelve trillion dollars to feeding and supporting these holy creatures.  While this is perhaps noble, it is still unconstitutional nonetheless.

Other times, they just happen to weasel their way into public office, lying and making promises they have no intention on keeping.  They have no personal convictions and act only as a self serving agent who sells their votes to the highest bidder.  They might tell their constituents that they really don't intended on voting for that amendment that makes it illegal to wear your wallet as a hat in public, but when push comes to shove, big-hat tells them no, so they vote against wallet-hats.